Mastercard Asia Pacific appointed Silverlake Processing Services (SPS) as the commercial card partner to support Mastercard SmartData File Delivery and Business Controls (BC) services in Japan. The key objectives are to promote cashless expenses in Japan and to ease Japanese corporates managing their employees card spending electronically.
Since 2019, Silverlake Processing Services had implemented the cloud-based PCIDSS compliant solutions to several major commercial card issuers and key Expense Management System (EMS) vendors in Japan. The first solution is called Silverlake Data Aggregator (SDA) service and second solution is Silverlake Controls (SCO).
SDA processes issuers’ corporate card transactions in Japanese standard data format and convert the data into Common Data Format (CDF) for Mastercard Goble Data Repository (GDR). This service allows corporate users to extract to the financial transactions from GDR and manage the transactions in their accounting system.
SCO is the extended service to SDA. This service allows corporate users to set control of their employee’s card spending in Mastercard’s Decision Management Platform (DMP). With this service, corporate users can set a transaction amount limit, daily card spending limit, cross boarder restriction, card blocked and etc. by using any of the SCO certified EMS vendor’s solution. This is a real-time card controls setting that effective immediately.
Processing flow of SDA & SCO
Besides application solutions, Silverlake Processing Services provides sale/pre-sales support, technical workshop, project implementation, user acceptance test, certification cycle test service, change management and post implementation support service to our customers in Japan.
Our standard implementation schedules are 4 months for SDA and 5 months for SCO. In addition, Mastercard Japan is working closely with Silverlake Processing Services to promote both services with target to increase corporate card issuer and EMS vendor to come onboard to support Japan cashless initiative.